The first step for the encryptr workflow is to create a pair of encryption keys. This uses the openssl package. The public key is used to encrypt information and can be shared. The private key allows decryption of the encrypted information. It requires a password to be set. This password cannot be recovered if lost. If the file is lost or overwritten, any data encrypted with the public key cannot be decrypted.

genkeys(private_key_name = "id_rsa",
  public_key_name = paste0(private_key_name, ".pub"))



Character string. Do not change default unless good reason.


Character string. Do not change default unless good reason.


Two files containing the public key and encrypted private key are written to the working directory.

See also

encrypt decrypt


# Function can be used as this: # genkeys() # For CRAN purposes and testing temp_dir = tempdir() genkeys(file.path(temp_dir, "id_rsa3"))
#> Private key written with name '/tmp/RtmpoFe9u2/id_rsa3' #> Public key written with name '/tmp/RtmpoFe9u2/'